InThe StartupbyTim DenningI Met a Quiet Millionaire Who Operates a $2.5m Tiny Business While Working 2-3 Hours a DayThis is bizarrely what he taught meJul 31, 2023262Jul 31, 2023262
InMind CafebySean KernanInvest In Yourself — Or Get Used.I saw the pinnacle of greed firsthand.Feb 15, 202213Feb 15, 202213
InAccelerated IntelligencebyMichael Simmons ( most people fight to learn “in-demand” skills, smart people are learning rare skills insteadAuthor’s Note: This article was written over 60 hours with love and care using the blockbuster mental model. If you like my writing style…Jan 22, 2022212Jan 22, 2022212
InBest of David O.byDavid O.Grow Significantly Richer by Naming Your Next Product With these Insights9 things to considerJan 15, 20224Jan 15, 20224
InThinkGrowth.orgbyJanessa LantzWhat Does the Future of Content Marketing Look Like? (Spoiler: Still Less Content)The information age is arriving at its natural conclusion and we’re all drowning in it. In 2015, Gartner’s “Hype Cycle” moved content…Sep 11, 201726Sep 11, 201726
Darius ForouxWhy Rich People Avoid ConsumerismIn the inflationary world of 2021, some new cars are sold ten to thirty percent over their asking price. This is the primary example most…Dec 1, 202135Dec 1, 202135
InForgebyGeorge J. ZiogasHow ‘Chaos Theory’ Can Help You Get Ahead in Your CareerIt’s time to say goodbye to the traditional linear path of the pastAug 17, 202111Aug 17, 202111
InThe StartupbyTim DenningMillennials Are Stressed out Because of the Pressure to Make a Lot of MoneyWe want it all by 30. Here’s another way to think.Sep 28, 202146Sep 28, 202146
InEntrepreneurship HandbookbyTim DenningMost Side Hustles Are Built Around Selfish People. That’s Why They Fail.Unselfishness builds hidden empires online. It happens behind the scenes in Discord Groups and Slack message windows.Oct 6, 202118Oct 6, 202118
InThe StartupbySinem Günel8 Simple Principles That Helped Me Grow a Highly Profitable Online Business Without AdsForget “business as usual” and embrace the freedom you have.Sep 7, 202132Sep 7, 202132
InMind CafebySean KernanAn Average IQ Person’s Guide to SuccessYou can become great when your talent is strikingly average.Sep 18, 202117Sep 18, 202117