Reflection Point: Patterns + IA + Flows


Imani Simpson
2 min readNov 6, 2018

Starting at the top

When I log into Skillshare the first three sections are about me, the user. The language in the first few sections remind me of a teacher that cares about their students. With a welcoming CTA that suggests I continue my next lesson. They also encourage me to follow skills and recommends classes for me.

I tend to always scroll around when it comes to online learning communities because I like to know the variety of lessons I can learn. It’s a bit of a treasure hunt even though Skillshare has sections and suggestions. From workshops to features to trends, Skillshare keeps me busy with learning new things. There is always this AHA “look what I found” moment for me when mindlessly scrolling.

Keep scrolling

This is just a few of the sections Skillshare offers on page 1. They have indirectly mastered the infinite scroll by providing alot of compartmentazlied content on the first page. I tend to use the arrows for each section provided, clicking on a video that piques my interest. From there, I watch the video scroll down to view comments and reviews as the video plays. Then BAM! The related classes section.

Skillshare makes it easy to get lost in cooking classes or portrait photography.

Skillshare flow

