3 Lessons from 2020

Imani Simpson
2 min readDec 18, 2020


As 2021 approaches, I feel compelled to share my biggest learning outcomes from this cinematic year! Disclaimer: I’m unattached and optimistic.

Source: Unsplash

I was reading an article by Sean Kernan earlier that spoke to a relevant theory called The Reality Tunnel. In short each person has a unique view of the world. As an optimist it’s safe to say perspectives really do vary.

This year was one of the most interesting for me as it truly challenged my practice in self-development. I’m going to highlight 3 different learning outcomes from 2020 that can give you a glass half-full point of view. Preferably a wine glass as it works well half-full.

Real Confidence is Built in Uncertainty

It’s easy for anyone to be confident when things are going objectively well. Much harder to move in confidence when ambiguity is staring you right in the face. For example this year had one of the worst unemployment rates at 14%. Yet I faced the job market with full confidence. How? Because I had put the work and effort in before the pandemic. So when things hit the fan I simply practiced maintaining that confidence. The compounded effort paid off.

In short, do the work and despite surrounding circumstances keep doing the work.

Rejection is Good For You

Some of us may have learned when a situation returns a clear no that means never. This could not be further from the truth. The truth is closed doors open better ones if you let them. In the context of work and relationships, finding the right fit is all about timing. My friend always says to me “it’s a numbers game”. You could look at that as “how many no’s can I get before a yes”. OR you can view numbers in terms of time “the timing was off but i’m going to try again in 30 days”.

The second approach feels more deliberate and provides a space in time for you to grow into the person you need to become to get that YES.

No One Can Love You Better Than Yourself

Be the love you never received — Rune Lazuli

That quote really resonates with the point here. Spending so much time with self this year has taught me how to love myself on another level. Consider this:

  • You know your routine best
  • You know your favorite foods, drinks, places to go
  • You know how to get yourself out of that fussy mood

You know yourself better than anyone else so why put the task of love in someone else’s hands?

To recap

  1. Build your confidence in hard times and follow through on that hard earned self-belief.
  2. Embrace rejection, trust the timing and know that every no leads to a better yes if you let it.
  3. DIY Love ❤

